New York Strip vs Sirloin Steak: Which is Better?

Mark Gronowski |

New York Strip and Sirloin are two of the most popular steak cuts in America, making up around a third of all restaurant steak sales. Both are terrific choices, and with 100% pasture-raised beef options available online at Acabonac Farms, it’s easier than ever to enjoy these cuts the way they were meant to be enjoyed: hormone and additive-free, with maximal nutritional value, and raised sustainably. 

In this short guide, you’ll learn the key differences between a New York Strip and Sirloin steak, and by the end of the article, you’ll know which is the better choice for you (at least for tonight).

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Key Takeaways

  • New York Strip is tender and buttery while Sirloin is firmer and leaner.
  • Sirloin offers a more affordable option that has a lower fat content than New York Strip.
  • New York Strip steak has an edge in flavor thanks to its richer marbling, but Sirloin boasts a more robust, beefy taste.
  • 100% grass-fed Sirloin and New York Strip, available online at Acabonac Farms, provides richer flavor with higher nutritional content than conventional store-bought steak.
New York Strip vs Sirloin Steak

What is a New York Strip Steak?

The New York Strip comes from the short loin, a section along the cow’s back, just behind the ribs. 

It’s known for its marbling which gives it an indulgent, rich flavor with a buttery texture. These characteristics make New York Strip a common offering in high-end restaurants.

What is a New York Strip Steak

Fun fact: The New York Strip earned its name from Delmonico’s, a famous New York City restaurant, and one of the first “fine-dining” establishments in the U.S.

What is a Sirloin Steak?

Sirloin steak is from the rear section of the cow’s back, just behind the New York Strip’s short loin. 

It has a leaner, firmer texture compared to the New York Strip, as it comes from a more exercised area of the cow. With less marbling than the New York Strip, sirloin offers a bold, beefy flavor that appeals to those who prefer a leaner steak.

What is a Sirloin Steak

There are two types of sirloin: 

  • Top Sirloin: More tender and ideal for grilling.
  • Bottom Sirloin: Tougher and better suited for slow-cooked dishes.

Price comparison: New York Strip vs Sirloin

New York Strip is typically more expensive due to its sought-after marbling and tenderness

Sirloin is generally more affordable, particularly the bottom sirloin, which is a leaner, tougher cut. Top sirloin falls in the middle price range, offering a balance of tenderness and value.

At Acabonac Farms, both grass-fed New York Strip and grass-fed Sirloin are available to purchase from our online farm at competitive prices, making it a convenient way to experience the absolute best these cuts have to offer.

Texture and Tenderness: New York Strip vs Sirloin

New York Strip is more tender, with a butteriness that comes from its high level of marbling. As the fat renders, it adds juiciness and flavor while protecting the meat from overcooking too quickly.

Sirloin has a firmer texture due to its leaner composition. While Top Sirloin can still be tender when cooked properly, Bottom Sirloin tends to be tougher and requires methods like slow cooking or marinating to achieve ideal tenderness.

Flavor Profile: New York Strip vs Sirloin

The New York Strip has a buttery, slightly sweet flavor. As the fat melts during cooking, it amplifies flavors and tenderizes the meat, giving it a “luxurious” mouthfeel that has become a favorite in fine-dining. 

Sirloin provides a more straightforward, beefy flavor. With less fat to soften the taste, it has a heartier, bolder bite and is a great choice for no-frills steak lovers

Appearance: New York Strip vs Sirloin

The NY Strip is an elongated cut of meat that is well-marbled, displaying white ribbons of fat running through the steak. This fat gives it a slightly glossy, glistening look when raw. 

The Sirloin features less marbling and has a deeper red color. With less fat comes a firmer, more solid appearance when raw.

Fat Content and Marbling: New York Strip vs Sirloin

If you’re looking for a lower calorie, lower fat cut, Sirloin is a great option. 

The New York Strip is higher in fat, with visible marbling throughout the meat - it’s the price you pay for the NY Strip’s tenderness and buttery flavor.

Cooking Methods: New York Strip vs Sirloin

The New York Strip is ideal for high-heat cooking methods like grilling, pan-searing, or broiling because its fat content helps prevent it from drying out during cooking. For best results, allow the steak to come to room temperature before cooking, and ensure a crisp sear by patting it dry right before throwing it on heat. 

Sirloin, being leaner, responds best to slower cooking methods like reverse searing and sous vide to maintain tenderness. While it can be grilled or pan-seared, it requires more care to avoid overcooking. Marinating your sirloin beforehand is a great way to add moisture​ and flavor to the cut, unlocking its versatility (grilled sirloin kebabs, anyone?).

Nutritional Comparison: New York Strip vs Sirloin

The main differences come down to fat and calorie content. The New York Strip is higher in fat, making it more calorie-dense. Both cuts are a great source of protein, but if you’re looking for a lighter option, Sirloin takes the edge. 

Nutritional Comparison Chart for New York Strip and Sirloin 

Nutrient (Per 3 oz Serving)

New York Strip











Ideal For

Rich flavor, higher

  fat content


  health-conscious option


100% grass-fed sources like Acabonac Farms improve the nutritional value of both cuts containing up to 5x more omega-3s, vitamins, and minerals while being free of hormones and antibiotics.

Grass-fed vs Grain-Fed New York Strip and Sirloin Steaks

Grass-fed beef comes from cattle raised on pasture, eating a diet of grass and other wild forage. Grain-fed cattle are fed a diet of corn and soy (often supplemented with hormones and antibiotics), and live on cramped feedlots with little to no vegetation. These diet and lifestyle differences lead to notable variations in the meat’s flavor and nutrition. Grass-fed beef features a richer and more complex taste that has largely been lost in the “big-beef” industry. 

Health Benefits: Grass-fed beef offers more omega-3 fatty acids and higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) - healthy fats linked to heart health. It’s also hormone and antibiotic-free, making it a cleaner choice.

Environmental Impact: Grass-fed farming supports healthier soil and water conservation, and enhances local biodiversity. Working with the environment, rather than against it, these farms require fewer resources than grain-fed systems.

Acabonac Farms provides grass-fed New York Strip and Sirloin steaks that are humanely raised without hormones or antibiotics. Our beef offers superior flavor and nutrition, while supporting a more sustainable future of food production.

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Which is Better, Sirloin or New York Strip?

Let’s break down the differences we’ve covered in this guide so you make the best choice for your needs and preferences. If you still can’t decide on a cut, there’s no better solution than to try a variety of steak cuts with a beef bundle box!


New York Strip


Best for Tenderness

Softer and more tender due to higher fat content and marbling.

Firmer texture, less tender, but can be tender if cooked properly.

Best for Flavor

Rich, mild flavor with a touch of sweetness from the marbling.

Bold, beefier flavor for those who prefer a leaner, stronger taste.

Health-Conscious Choice

Higher in fat and calories, less ideal for reducing fat intake.

Leaner, lower in fat and calories, making it a healthier option.


Best for high-heat cooking methods like grilling or pan-searing.

Benefits from marinating and slower cooking to avoid toughness.

Personal Preference

Great for those who enjoy a rich, tender steak experience.

Ideal for those who prefer a leaner, beef-forward flavor.

Both steaks have their strengths, and whether you choose New York Strip or Sirloin, you’re picking between two of America’s most beloved cuts, so it’s hard to go wrong. Whichever you prefer, going with a grass-fed option is the best choice for added flavor, better nutrition, and more sustainable sourcing.

Where to buy New York Strip and Sirloin Steaks online

The origin of your steak truly impacts its flavor, texture, and nutritional value. Choosing a transparent and trusted meat supplier is the name of the game when buying meat online, which is why we invite our customers to tour our farm and see our processes at work first-hand!

At Acabonac Farms, we offer premium, grass-fed New York Strip and Sirloin steaks that are humanely raised and hormone and antibiotic-free. We proudly raise cattle on natural pastures, where sustainability, nutrition, and animal welfare are pillars in everything we do - from our farm to your table. 

Shopping online with Acabonac Farms is the easiest and most convenient way to get world-class grass-fed beef delivered right to your door, so visit our website and place an order today!

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Frequently Asked Questions about NY Strip vs Sirloin

Is New York Strip or Ribeye better?

It depends—Ribeye is richer and fattier, while New York Strip is leaner with a more straightforward beef flavor.

Is New York Strip steak good?

Yes, it’s a tender, flavorful cut with moderate marbling, making it one of the most popular cuts in fine-dining.

Is Striploin the same as New York Strip?

Yes, Striploin is another name for the New York Strip, both coming from the short loin.

Is a New York Strip like a Sirloin?

New York Strip is more tender and has more marbling than other sirloin cuts like top or bottom sirloin, which are leaner and firmer.

Is Sirloin a good cut of steak?

Yes, it's lean, flavorful, and versatile, making it a solid option for many dishes. It’s an affordable option for any steak night and Top sirloin, in particular, is a great balance of tenderness and value.

Is beef Sirloin tender or tough?

Top Sirloin is relatively tender, especially when cooked properly, but it is leaner and firmer than cuts like the New York Strip. Bottom Sirloin, on the other hand, is tougher and often used for slower-cooked dishes.

What part of a cow is Sirloin?

Sirloin comes from the rear back section of the cow, just behind the short loin (where the New York Strip is cut). It includes both top sirloin, which is more tender, and bottom sirloin, which is leaner and tougher.

Why is Sirloin so popular?

It’s affordable, lean, and offers a classic beefy flavor, making it a versatile favorite.

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